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Contracts are missions that can be accepted in Settlements. You may only have one active contract at a time. Completing a contract will reward your company with crowns, Renown, and better Relations with the settlement or the noble house that offered the contract. However, failing to fulfill a contract lowers your company's local Relations and the company's Renown.

The crowns reward increases with your company's Renown. Some contracts, such as the noble houses contracts, are only available with a certain level of Renown.

Gold coin
Contract targets can be identified with a golden coin on the Global Map.


Before taking a contract it is possible to haggle for better pay. Everyone expects a little haggling but insist on too good a price and there is a chance the contract giver will refuse your company the contract.

You can determine if they will refuse based on their answers. It's probably best not to push your luck with an angry client if you need the money.

As well as getting your crowns when you finish your mission the contract giver may decide to pay you a portion of the fee in advance; including a possible bonus for each enemy head collected (price per kill).

Beware when haggling for better payment when more than one type of payment is offered. It may result in your other type of payment being slightly reduced.

Haggling will worsen Relations with the settlement if you don't have the Negotiator follower.

Contract Types[]

Easy Medium
Difficulty easy
Difficulty medium
Difficulty hard

Contracts will ask for more or less the same tasks to be completed.
However when, where and who you fight may vary widely.

Contract difficultly is measured with skulls. More skulls means more danger,
but a better pay.

Contract types that involve destroying a location replace existing enemy forces
for the new one scaled to the contract difficulty. For example coven full of Necrosavants can have them replaced by Ancient Auxiliary
if the contract difficulty is low.

One or two skull contracts can overwrite Named Items that a location may be holding.

Banner 11
Banner 11sb

Civilian Contracts[]

Contract scroll Defend Settlement Bandits
Defend a settlement against a single or multiple waves of enemies raiding their Attached Locations.
  • You will face either Raider Brigands or Zombie Zombies, whichever has a closer distance to the settlement.
  • 20% chance: A kidnapping takes place and you are expected to go after them.
  • 20% chance: The local militia wants to take your orders while defending the settlement.
  • You are more likely to be attacked by Zombie Zombies during the Undead Scourge.
  • Up to three parties can attack the settlement.
  • Letting them destroy attached locations will get you only part of the pay.
  • The settlement will get the Raided Raided settlement situation if you fail to protect the attached location or fail the contract.
  • You can use nearby patrols to fight attackers but still need to take part to the battle or it will be counted as fail.
  • Enemy parties spawning in nearby camps belong to specific enemy faction so it can take them some time to arrive.
Contract scroll Defend Settlement Greenskins
Defend a settlement against a single or multiple waves of enemies raiding their Attached Locations.
  • You will face either Orc Orcs or Goblin Goblins, whichever has a closer distance to the settlement.
  • 25% chance: The local militia wants to take your orders while defending the settlement.
  • Up to three parties can attack the settlement.
  • Letting them destroy attached locations will get you only part of the pay.
  • The settlement will get the Raided Raided settlement situation if you fail to protect the attached location or fail the contract.
  • You can use nearby patrols to fight attackers but still need to take part to the battle or it will be counted as fail.
  • Enemy parties spawning in nearby camps belong to specific enemy faction so it can take them some time to arrive.
  • Completing this contract removes the Marauding greenskins Marauding Greenskins settlement situation.
Contract scroll Deliver Item
Safely deliver cargo to a settlement.
  • 5% chance: The cargo starts moving and is an evil artifact. (Evil Artifact)
  • 10% chance: You are stopped by Mercenary Mercenaries, with option to surrender goods or fight. (Hostile Mercenaries)
  • 5% chance: Cargo is stolen by Raider Brigands who left foot-marks to their lair. Track them and destroy their lair.
Contract scroll Discover Location
You are expected to find a location in a region in a certain direction.
  • You often get directions on your way if you fail to find it.
  • 15% chance: You are approached by a man that wants to keep the location a secret if you find it. (Secret Location)
  • 20% chance: If you took directions from an altruist you get attacked by Raider brigands at the location. (Altruists Trap)
Contract scroll Drive Away Bandits
Destroy an enemy camp.
  • 20% chance: Bandits are visited by their leader. If you kill him there is an additional reward for his head. (Robber Baron)
  • 10% chance: After the battle you find a prisoner that wants to join you. (Brigand Prisoner)
  • 10% chance: After the battle you get the option to "slit their throats" or "chase them away". (Slit Throat)
  • If you destroy their camp, the settlement will no longer have Ambushed trade routes ambushed trade routes.
Contract scroll Drive Away Barbarians
Destroy an enemy camp.
  • 20% chance: You can choose to fight the whole camp or agree to an 1vs1 duel. (Barbarian Duel)
    • After winning the duel, barbarians will leave, completing the contract.
    • After losing the duel you can choose to leave the camp for extra moral reputation, but you fail the contract or destroy their camp to finish the contract, but you will lose moral reputaion.
  • 20% chance: The barbarians attack you and want to raid the settlement that gave you the contract afterwards. You get double payment and extra reputation if you win. You will lose a large amount of reputation and the settlement will get the Raided raided settlement situation for 3 days if you lose this fight. (Barbarian Revenge)
  • 10% chance: You can choose to hire the 1 barbarian that survived the attack. (Barbarian Survivor)
  • If you destroy their camp, the settlement will no longer have Ambushed trade routes ambushed trade routes.
Contract scroll Escort Caravan
Protect a caravan until it safely arrives at its destination settlement.
  • 5% chance: Your men ask you to take the cargo for yourself. (Valuable Cargo)
  • 10% chance: Caravan is stopped by noble troops, the player has the option to surrender or fight. (Stolen Goods)
  • 5% chance: You notice a cage with a prisoner with your cargo who wants to be freed. (Mysterious Prisoner)
  • 10% chance: The caravan is attacked by Necrosavant Necrosavant. (Vampire Attack)
  • The player will lose control of movement for the duration of this mission as your company must follow the caravan.
  • Only food is taken care by caravans, the player still needs to pay upkeep in coins.
  • If the caravan moves through a settlement, the player can pause the game and click on it and visit the settlement to sell loot/hire new troops.
  • Losing all Donkeys will fail the contract.
  • Losing some, but not all Donkeys will have you poorly complete the contract. You gain 50% less crowns & Relation. You get the normal amount of Renown.
  • If you finish this contract, the settlement will become Well supplied well supplied. If you poorly complete the contract, it won't.
Contract scroll Hunting Alps
Kill the Alp alps that are haunting the settlement at night.
  • 25% chance: Your brothers have slept so well 75% of them get a good mood after defeating the alps and they lose any Exhausted exhausted, Status effect 62 hangover or Status effect 61 drunk status. (Good Nights Sleep)
  • The settlement will no longer have the Terrifying nighrmares terrifying nightmares situation if you fulfill this contract.
Contract scroll Hunting Hexen
Stay near the settlement and protect your employers firstborn son.
Contract scroll Hunting Lindwurms
Kill the Lindwurm lindwurms that are harrassing the settlement.
Contract scroll Hunting Schrats
Kill the Schrats schrats in the woods around the settlement.
Contract scroll Hunting Unholds
Kill the Unhold unholds around the settlement.
Contract scroll Hunting Webknechts
Hunt down Webknecht webknechts in the woods around the settlement.
Contract scroll Investigate Cemetery
You are send to secure a graveyard.
  • 10% chance: You meet graverobbers. They offer a map that leads to a site rich in treasures if you let them go free. (Graverobbers Offer Map)
    • 50% chance: You get at least 1/2 of your pay despite letting them go free.
  • 30% chance: You will face Nachzehrer Nachzehrers.
  • 30% chance: You will face Raider Brigands.
  • 30% chance: You will face Zombie Zombies.
    • ~25% chance: You get a follow-up contract to hunt down a Necromancer Necromancers.
  • If you finish this contract the settlement will no longer have Terrified villagers Terrified Villagers.
Contract scroll Obtain Item
Obtain a named relic at a location of the Ancient dead ancient dead.
Contract scroll Restore Location
Secure the ruined location near the settlement, then return to the settlement and escort the workers to the location.
  • 15% chance: You dont even have to fight.
  • 15% chance: You meet refugees. (Refugee Home)
  • 30% chance: You will face Webknecht webknechts.
  • 40% chance: You will face Raider brigands.
Contract scroll Return Item
Follow the tracks near the settlement and return the item.
  • 15% chance: You will face a Necromancer Necromancers and Raider Brigands. (A Pale Man in Black)
  • 15% chance: After obtaining the stolen property, you are offered a higher reward for the object by a shady man. Accepting the offer will result in the failure of the contract. (Good Deal)
  • 70% chance: You will face Raider Brigands.
Contract scroll Roaming Beasts
Hunt down what terrorizes the settlement.

Noble Contracts[]

Contract scroll Big Game Hunt
You are expected to hunt a specific kind of enemies in a region on the world map, collect up to 8-30 heads and return at any time to get paid.
Contract scroll Break Greenskin Siege
Destroy any greenskin Catapult siege engine siege engines and greenskins around the settlement.
  • Available during the greenskin invasion.
  • Company of soldiers is dispatched at the start of the contract. They move to reinforce settlement defenses. You could take advantage of it as they engage any greenskin forces they meet on their way to the besieged settlement.
  • You usually destroy 2-3 raiding parties and 1-2 siege engine camps.
  • The player can resupply in besieged settlement without a problem.
Contract scroll Confront Warlord
Destroy any greenskin parties and camps to lure out their warlord. Kill the Orc warlord orc warlord.
  • Available during the greenskin invasion.
  • It can take awhile, so do not be discouraged and keep killing greenskins.
  • 10% chance: You encounter an Orc berserker orc berserker camp and can choose to attack them.
    • You may gain 2 wardogs if you defeat them.
    • If you dont attack, your Houndmaster Houndmaster gets a bad mood.
Contract scroll Decisive Battle
Move to the war camp and report to the commander. Assist the army in their battle against a noble house.
  • Available during the war of the noble houses.
  • The contract consists of two preliminary missions and the decisive battle itself. Every mission starts on the next morning, so you always have some time to resupply and heal.
  • Following missions may be assigned to you at the war camp:

Day 1

  • 40% chance: Intercept scouts of a noble house last seen in a certain direction of the warcamp and let no one escape alive. You need to fight a Footman noble noble force.
  • 60% chance: Requisition supplies at the objective in a certain direction of the warcamp. (you are send after an enemy wheat field or pig farm)
    • 33% chance: You are ambushed at the farm and will face Mercenary mercenaries and Peasant armed armed peasants.
    • 33% chance: You meet unruly farmers. You either fight Peasant armed armed peasants or pay them some crowns for the supplies.
    • 33% chance: The farmers cooperate and you can return.

Day 2

  • 50% chance: Intercept supplies enroute from settlement A to settlement B. You need to fight a well armed Caravan donkey caravan.
  • 50% chance: Follow the footprints and approach the deserters. Either convince them to come back or kill them. (Deserter Quest)

Day 3

  • Win the final battle for the noble house. You will face the Footman noble enemy house army, but you will be backed up with allies.
Contract scroll Conquer Holy Site Northern
Travel to the holy site and conquer it from the Conscript orientation southern forces.
  • Available during the holy war.
  • 20% chance: Allied army of Footman noble noble forces is already besieging the site and will support you in battle.
  • 20% chance: Conscript orientation southern forces will sally forth to attack you.
  • 20% chance: Mercenary Mercenary company hired by the southerners offers to switch sides for 50% of your contract reward. If you pay, they'll help you in battle and if you refuse you'll have to fight them in addition to the Conscript orientation southerners.
  • 20% chance: After the battle you will have to fight another army of Conscript orientation southerners. You will have an option to make a stand in the holy site, attack them in the open or run away which will result in failing the contract.
Contract scroll Defend Holy Site Northern
Travel to the holy site and defend it against the Conscript orientation southern forces.
  • Available during the holy war.
  • The holy site will be attacked by an army of southerners. Before the attack you will have a choice between building palisades for defense, scouring the grounds for some items or recruit some poorly equipped zealots to help you in the fight.
  • 25% chance: Quatermaster of your employer offers few Wardogs, Throwing Nets or Throwing Spears (Javelins if no Warriors of the North DLC installed)
  • 30% chance: You will have an option to sally forth and ambush the enemy forces. If you choose to do so, you will fight two weaker waves of Conscript orientation southern forces one after another.
  • 30% chance: Allied Footman noble noble forces will offer support. You can either ask them to flank Gunner orientation gunners or Conscript orientation infantry to reduce their respective numbers or order noble forces to stay with you.
Contract scroll Destroy Goblin Camp
Destroy an enemy camp or lair.
  • 20% chance: The Goblin goblins can prepare an ambush and throw a higher number of them at you.
  • 75% chance: If you are flagged as a Enemies icon betrayer, your noble house might send a Footman noble noble force to kill you after destroying the goblin camp. You are no longer flagged after that.
  • Completing this contract removes the Marauding greenskins marauding greenskins settlement situation.
Contract scroll Destroy Orc Camp
Destroy an enemy camp or lair.
  • 10% You start the fight surrounded by two different Orc 2 orc factions that are fighting each other. (Orcs vs Orcs)
  • 5% chance: You find a prisoner that wants to join your company after defeating the Orc 2 orc camp. (Orc Prisoner)
  • 75% chance: If you are flagged as a Enemies icon betrayer, your noble house might send a Footman noble noble force to kill you after destroying the Orc 2 orc camp. You are no longer flagged after that.
  • Completing this contract removes the Marauding greenskins marauding greenskins settlement situation.
Contract scroll Escort Envoy
Escort envoy to its destination.
  • If the envoy is killed during a battle, the contract will fail.
  • Once the destination is reached, the envoy will leave the party for several hours, then join back.
  • The envoy must be escorted back to the settlement where the contract was accepted.
  • 10% chance: After meeting a shady man your envoy may get attacked by Mercenary Mercenaries and you can choose a side. Defending the envoy simply continues the contract, taking the deal will get you the bribe money instead and you get flagged as a Enemies icon betrayer by that noble house. (Shady Deal)
Contract scroll Find Artifact
Retrieve the artifact from the undead location.
  • Available during the undead scourge.
  • 54% chance: You fight an Zombie undead army and get the relic afterwards.
  • 20% chance:
    • Your Historian historian points out that you are going in the wrong direction and reveals the correct location.
    • You arrived at the wrong location and the correct location gets revealed.
  • 16% chance: You found a map that suggests the relic to be located in another undead location.
  • 5% chance: A random brother steps on a trap and receives a temporary injury when you reach the location.
  • 5% chance: You find that someone else took the relic before you arrived. Catch up to them and get the artifact back. (Nemesis)
Contract scroll Free Greenskin Prisoners
Search the battlesite for clues and free any prisoners you find.
Contract scroll Intercept Raiding Parties
Intercept all Conscript orientation southern raiding parties near the settlement.
  • Available during the holy war.
  • You have to defeat 2-3 waves of Conscript orientation southern forces raiding the Settlement's Attached Locations.
  • 10% chance: Wave will contain additional Assassin orientation Assassins.
  • 40% chance: You will fight wave of slavers which will contain large number of Slave orientation Indebted.
  • 50% chance: After defeating all raiding parties, a group of thankful villagers will give you some Trade Goods and Food produced by the settlement.
  • If all locations are burned you fail the contract.
  • If at least one but not all locations are burned, you poorly complete the contract. You gain 50% less crowns & Relation. You get the normal amount of Renown.
  • You can use nearby patrols to fight attackers but still need to take part to the battle or it will be counted as fail.
Contract scroll Last Stand
Travel to a settlement and defend it against the undead.
  • Available during the undead scourge.
  • The settlement will be attacked by 3 waves of undead. You will receive help from militia men. The less militia men die, the more will join you against the next undead wave.
  • 40% chance: Undead are already at the walls and you have to get past them first.
  • 30% chance: There will be an additional wave consisting of Nachzehrer nachzehrers.
  • Completing this contract removes the Besieged besieged settlement situation.
Contract scroll Marauding Greenskins
Kill marauding greenskins around the settlement.
  • You will face a group of Goblin goblins or Orc 2 orcs. (whoever's camp is closer to the settlement)
  • 5% chance: You will face an Orc warlord orc warlord or Goblin shaman goblin shaman in addition to the group.
  • 5% chance: You meet a merchant after the battle that will give you extra crowns if you return him to the settlement. (Scared Merchant)
  • Completing this contract removes the Marauding greenskins marauding greenskins settlement situation.
Contract scroll Patrol
Patrol two settlements, then come back to where the contract was accepted.
  • You are paid for up to 20-35 heads you bring back. The heads can be from any enemy. (resurrected enemies, war dogs, goblin wolves, spider eggs and lindwurm tails dont give heads on kill) You have 5 days time to collect them. The closest bandit, orc and goblin camps will spawn a roaming party while you are on this contract.
  • 10% chance: You get a scouting report about a crucified man. (Crucified)
  • 33% chance: The settlement you patrol gets the Safe roads safe roads settlement situation.
Contract scroll Privateering
Travel to the lands of noble house x, raid and burn down places, destroy any caravans or patrols and return after 5 days.
  • Available during the war of the noble houses.
  • Every completed task gives score points:
    • Raze location: 5 points
    • Killing troops: 2 points
  • Your total score will determine the contract outcome:
    • 0-9 score points: You fail the contract.
    • 10-14 score points: You completed the contract.
    • 15+ score points: You completed the contract, you gain 2x the reputation.
  • Locations can be guarded by Footman noble noble troops, Mercenary mercenaries, Militia captain orientation militia forces or Peasant armed armed peasant.
  • 15% chance: A messenger of the enemy noble house offers you a named weapon if you change sides. (Changing Sides)
Contract scroll Raid Caravan
Raid the caravan going from settlement A to settlement B.
  • You get full payment if noone escaped from the caravan, 50% less pay otherwise. For each person that escaped there is a 15% chance that you fail the contract and get no payment at all.
  • 10% chance: A man offers you some crowns if you dont destroy the caravan. (Bribe)
  • 5% chance: You have to fight a Swordmaster Swordmasters in addition to the caravan.
  • 5% chance: You have to fight a Necromancer Necromancers and Zombie Zombies in addition to the caravan.
  • 5% chance: You have to deal with women and children after the battle. (Women and Children)
  • 10% chance: You found some papers after the battle that you could use against you employer. (Compromising Papers)
Contract scroll Raze Attached Location
Raze location A near settlement B.
  • You get less reputation if someone escaped and for each person that escaped there is a 10% chance that you fail the contract and get no payment at all.
  • You can choose to sweep from one side or to encircle them at the start of the encounter.
  • 25% chance: You will face Militia captain orientation militia forces in addition to the Peasant armed peasants.
  • 75% chance: If you are flagged as a Enemies icon betrayer, your noble house might send a Footman noble noble force to kill you when you arrive at the attached location. You are no longer flagged after that.
  • The settlement you attacked will get the Raided raided settlement situation for 3 days.
Contract scroll Root Out Undead
Destroy objective A and B, then return.
Contract scroll Siege Fortification
Travel to settlement A and help in the siege.
  • Available during the war of the noble houses.
  • 50% chance: You will assault the castle.
    • 50% chance: You assault the castle and will face Footman noble noble forces.
      • After the assault on the caste you have to fight another Footman noble noble force.
    • 30% chance: After the castle was set on fire you will face Footman noble noble forces and a Knight orientation knight. You get support from your own noble troops aswell.
    • 20% chance: You get to decide between assault on the castle and raining down fire on the castle.
  • 50% chance: You will maintain the siege and intercept anyone trying to break through.
    • 25% chance: You fight some Footman noble noble forces and discover a secret passage into the objective.
      • You get the order to sneak in and assassinate the enemies commander. You will start the fight surrounded by Footman noble noble forces and a Knight orientation knight.
    • 75% chance: Some Footman noble noble forces start attacking you to relief the settlement.
      • 40% chance: The objective has fallen. Your opponent surrenders.
      • 60% chance: The defenders send their last attack force at you. You will face Footman noble noble forces and a Knight orientation knight. You get support from your own noble troops aswell.
  • 10% chance: Your men captured some of the defenders. You get to decide their fate. (Siege Prisoners)
  • During the contract the settlement will have the Besieged besieged settlement situation.
  • After this contract the settlement will gain the Conquered conquered settlement situation for 3 days.
Contract scroll The Barbarian King
Hunt down the Barbarian King and his warhost.
  • 15% chance: The barbarian king asks you stop a bigger threat, an army of Ancient dead Ancient Dead. If you agree and beat them you get a Inventory helmet 194 heavy horned plate helmet and complete the contract.
  • A Wildman 03 orientation barbarian army together with a Wildman 06 orientation Barbarian King will be spawned at the closest possible barbarian location.

Southern Contracts[]

Contract scroll Conquer Holy Site Southern
Travel to the holy site and conquer it from the Footman noble northern forces.
  • Available during the holy war.
  • 20% chance: Allied army of Conscript orientation southern forces is already besieging the site and will support you in battle.
  • 20% chance: Footman noble northern forces will sally forth to attack you.
  • 20% chance: Mercenary Mercenary company hired by the nobles offers to switch sides for 50% of your contract reward. If you pay, they'll help you in battle and if you refuse you'll have to fight them in addition to the Footman noble noble forces.
  • 20% chance: After the battle you will have to fight another army of Footman noble northerners. You will have an option to make a stand in the holy site, attack them in the open or run away which will result in failing the contract.
Contract scroll Defend Holy Site Southern
Travel to the holy site and defend it against the Footman noble northern forces.
  • Available during the holy war.
  • The holy site will be attacked by an army of northerners. Before the attack you will have a choice between building palisades for defense, scouring the grounds for some items or recruit some poorly equipped zealots to help you in the fight.
  • 25% chance: Alchemist of your employer offers two Flash Pots, Fire Pots or Smoke Pots.
  • 30% chance: You will have an option to sally forth and ambush the enemy forces. If you choose to do so, you will fight two weaker waves of Footman noble northern forces one after another.
  • 30% chance: Allied Conscript orientation southern forces will offer support. You can either ask them to flank Arbalester orientation arbalesters or Footman noble infantry to reduce their respective numbers or order them to stay with you.
Contract scroll Deliver Item
Safely deliver cargo to a settlement.
  • 5% chance: The cargo starts moving and is an evil artifact. (Evil Artifact)
  • 10% chance: You are stopped by Mercenary Mercenaries, with option to surrender goods or fight. (Hostile Mercenaries)
  • 5% chance: Cargo is stolen by Raider Brigands who left foot-marks to their lair. Track them and destroy their lair.
Contract scroll Drive Off Nomads
Destroy an enemy camp.
  • 10% chance: The camp is attacked by Sand golem orientation Ifrits hostile to both your company and the nomads
  • 15% chance: You find nomads digging in the earth. You can attack now and face more enemies but gain some Treasures afterwards or wait until they leave and the camp is less defended. (Nomad Treasure)
  • 10% chance: You will also face few Assassin orientation Assassins in addition to the nomads.
  • 10% chance: You face Human 01 orientation Necromancers and nomads turned into Zombie Zombies.
  • If you destroy their camp, there is a 50% chance that settlement will no longer have Ambushed trade routes ambushed trade routes.
Contract scroll Escort Caravan
Protect a caravan until it safely arrives at its destination settlement.
  • 5% chance: Your men ask you to take the cargo for yourself. (Valuable Cargo)
  • 10% chance: Caravan is stopped by noble troops, the player has the option to surrender or fight. (Stolen Goods)
  • 5% chance: You notice a cage with a prisoner with your cargo who wants to be freed. (Mysterious Prisoner)
  • 10% chance: The caravan is attacked by Necrosavant Necrosavant. (Vampire Attack)
  • The player will lose control of movement for the duration of this mission as your company must follow the caravan.
  • Only food is taken care by caravans, the player still needs to pay upkeep in coins.
  • If the caravan moves through a settlement, the player can pause the game and click on it and visit the settlement to sell loot/hire new troops.
  • Losing all Donkeys will fail the contract.
  • Losing some, but not all Donkeys will have you poorly complete the contract. You gain 50% less crowns & Relation. You get the normal amount of Renown.
  • If you finish this contract, the settlement will become Well supplied well supplied. If you poorly complete the contract, it won't.
Contract scroll Hold Fortress
Travel to the abandoned fortress and defend it against Footman noble northern forces.
  • Available during the holy war.
  • You have to defend against 2-3 waves of Footman noble northern forces. If you stray too far from the fortress, you will fail the contract.
  • 20% chance: Enemy will retreat after the second wave.
  • 20% chance: In the third wave you will get Conscript orientation reinforcements from your employer.
  • 30% chance: You will get an ultimatum after the second wave. If you accept it, you will fail the contract and switch the sides in the war.
Contract scroll Hunting Ifrits
Hunt down Sand golem orientation Ifrits in the sands around the settlement.
Contract scroll Hunting Serpents
Hunt down Serpent orientation Serpents in the wetlands near the settlement.
Contract scroll Roaming Beasts (Desert)
Hunt down what terrorizes the settlement.
Contract scroll Slave Uprising
Beat down the uprising of the Slave orientation Indebted in the location near the settlement.
  • 20% chance: You have to chase the indebted that turned into banditry (nomads).
  • 20% chance: Leader of the indebted offers a bargain for their freedom. Accepting the offer will result in the failure of the contract but an undead location will be revealed that will contain a named item. (Spartacus)
  • 20% chance: You have to chase the indebted who fled the location.
  • 40% chance: You fight slaves at the location.
  • If you put down the revolt, the settlement will no longer have Settlement effect 40 Slave Revolt.