Battle Brothers Wiki
Melee Weapons
Daggers  • Swords  • Maces  • Spears  • Axes  • Flails  • Cleavers  • Hammers  • Polearms


One-Handed Spears[]

One-Handed Spears are extremely accurate weapons, but have low damage compared to most other weapons. Spears are unique in that they give access to the Spearwall ability, which can be effective in holding a formation's flanks.

Spearwall can only be activated if there is no enemy next to the wielder. Each enemy that moves next to the wielder gets attacked automatically. When hit, the enemy gets knocked back and takes half damage. If the automatic attack fails, the skill becomes inactive.

Perk 45 Spear Mastery perk gives these bonuses:

  • Spearwall is no longer cancelled when its attack fails, Spearwall continues auto-attacking enemies coming to other free tiles around the user. If the engaged enemy unit dies or is knocked back, Spearwall will resume auto-attacking the freed tile until another failure or till the start of the next turn of the skill user.
  • Spearwall can be activated when being already adjacent to opponents.
  • Spears skills require 25% less Fatigue Fatigue.
Icon Name AP Fatigue   Description
Thrust 4 10 +20% chance to hit, 25% Direct Damage
Active 202
Ignite 4 5 Can hit up to 2 targets; does 40-60 Damage with 90% Armor Damage and 20% Direct Damage; hit chance is based on Ranged Skill, grants +40 Ranged Skill for skill use.
Spearwall 4 30 Does -50%Damage; canceled if it misses to land a hit on opponent.
Name Worth Damage Ignores Armor Vs. Armor Durability Max. Fatigue Skills DLC
Militia Spear
Spear 02
180 25-30 25% 90% 48 -6
Ancient Spear
Ancient spear 01
150 20-35 25% 100% 36 6
Goblin Skewer
Goblin weapon 03
300 25-35 25% 70% 36 -3
Boar Spear
Spear 01
750 30-35 25% 95% 64 -8
Fire Lance
Firelance 01
750 30-35 25% 110% 48 -12
Active 202
Blazing Deserts DLC
Fighting Spear
Fighting Spear 01
2250 35-40 25% 100% 72 -10

Two-Handed Spears[]

Perk 45 Spear Mastery perk bonuses are the same for Two-Handed Spears.

Icon Name AP Fatigue   Description
Active 174Active 123 Prong 6 15 +10% chance to hit; -15% chance to hit adjacent enemies, 25% Direct Damage
Active 173Active 124 Spearwall 6 35 Does -50%Damage; canceled if it misses to land a hit on opponent. Has a range of 1 tile.
Active 128
Thrust 6 15 +20% chance to hit, 25% Direct Damage
Active 127
Knock Out 6 30 75% chance to Stunned stun target, does -50%Damage, target gets additional 10Fatigue, 40% Direct Damage
Name Worth Damage Ignores Armor Vs. Armor Chance to hit head Durability Max. Fatigue Skills DLC
Warfork 01
400 40-60 25% 100% +5% 50 -10
Active 174
Active 173
Warriors of the North DLC
Spetum 01
750 55-75 25% 100% +5% 60 -14
Active 123
Active 124
Beasts & Exploration DLC
Goedendag 01
600 45-75 25% 110% ±0% 64 -14
Active 128
Active 127
Beasts & Exploration DLC